Sometimes I have a slight problem with quantity. I think of eating a biscuit and end up eating a whole packet. I think I might do one long charity walk, and end up volunteering to do twenty. Okay, they aren’t quite as long but even so, TWENTY! That is a lot further, and a lot more walks. I’m not even sure we have twenty rain-free days! Which might be a slight exaggeration.
Yes, I have volunteered to do twenty end-to-end walks of Morecambe Prom. That is from where the Prom turns our onto Bailey Lane in Heysham, right along to the turning down to the cafe where VVV used to be. Or vice versa. I am intending on starting in the middle of March, as I reach my own 365th daily walk and as West End Impact starts to celebrate its twentieth birthday. I’m hoping to finish by the end of 2022, which will mean an average of two walks a month (and I will be keeping up my daily walks as well) although I hope to do more in the summer months so that I can do less as the days grow wetter, colder, and darker.
Edit – I’ve now decided to try and complete the walks in 20 weeks, that is, by 1st August.

Each walk will be around five miles long. I don’t have an exact figure, I’m going off the various signposts and partial prom walk maps I’ve seen. However, it will vary each time depending on things like my trajectory around bends and wider sections, on if I get tempted by ice cream shops across the road or by the view from the Stone Jetty. (I am not intending to include the Jetty or Grosvenor Breakwater in my route) I will be pausing to take photos and to drink. I might even have a rest! Well, that’s why there are lots of benches along the prom and it would be a shame for them to go unused. (Edit; two walks in, both were 4.65 miles and 1 hour 40 mins.)

I am going to blog about each walk I make, so you can follow along with me and watch how I progress. Whenever possible, maybe in the summer when the weather is settled, I will say in advance when I will walk in case anyone wants to join me for some or all of it. I expect that most I will do by myself though as I will go when the combination of weather, health, and life all fit together best. I will also post about West End Impact occasionally so that you see more of what they are doing and why we think they are worth supporting. I might even post a little about the Prom, or about Morecambe, just to keep you interested as well.
Since I am doing this to raise funds, please do click the link at the top of the page to find out how you can donate. I am hoping to raise £1000 with this, as it is the biggest thing I’ve ever done and I’ve seen how generous my friends have been in the past. I know times are hard and getting harder, and I totally get that. I know I have friends who cannot afford to donate, even though they might wish to – that is totally fine, your encouragement and support are also valuable to me, I’m going to need them. Please share my blog posts throughout the year on any and all social media, they are public posts and I’m more than happy for strangers to donate. For those who can donate, then £1 each time I walk, £40 when I’ve done them all, £200 to get me started, £5 in the middle when I might wonder if I’ll reach my target, all are welcome and will be both appreciated and well used. Even a penny and another penny eventually add up.