In order to donate please visit this Crowdfunder Project and make your donation. All donations made before May 13th will receive matched funding, so it would be a great time to donate and would get me off to a great start. All money will go directly to Impact. This is a general fundraiser for Impact’s 20th, but it is good for me to direct you there in order to increase any matched funding.

If you donate and leave a comment there, or here, or on Facebook, then I will be able to keep a running total of how much I’ve raised individually on here.

I know that not all my friends and their friends are in a position to donate, but if you can share the project, or share this blog on any of your social media channels then that will also help.

And, as always, thank you for your support, encouragement, time, and donations.

31st March – Total raised so far £45 plus matched funding.

13th May – Total raised so far £75 plus matched funding. £150